Newly posted! Reunion 2024 Pictures.  Click "Class Reunions" in the Menu at the far right side of the top Banner and enjoy! 

Note to Classmates: Those of you who haven't visited this site recently will notice a layout change and limits on content and format that were implemented by  Most significantly, the original left Navigation pane was replaced by a single Menu button in the upper right corner of the banner where you will find the site's remaining features. 


In myevent's data conversion process, texts were preserved, but much of my predecessor's formatting and layout were lost.   Some images were downscaled to as little as fifty pixels, and I have no original materials with which to replace them.  I cannot correct what remains and have only limited control over the formatting, but I will continue to post obits and their images when I receive them to the extent the site allows. 


Please accept my apologies for the inconsistencies and enjoy what's left of the site!


Dave Poole

This website is dedicated to the 1965 Class of Arlington High School, Indianapolis Indiana

To fellow members of the Arlington High Classes of 1963-1967

Here, you'll find photos from the prior Class Reunions of the Class of '65 and its '63-'67 cohorts.   Also check out our Facebook page: Where you can see our posts and those of many of the classmates who frequent that page.

Here's to the Golden Knights!

…and what a special class we have been, the school’s first four year graduating class, some 677 in all.


Do you remember that sultry hot afternoon of June 10, 1965, sitting in the State Fair Coliseum, awaiting your turn to parade across the stage to receive a diploma from Principal Clevenger?   No doubt that despite the oppressive heat and the sweat on your brow, you must have had some thoughts about where your life’s many adventures might lie in the future.  Do you recall what you were thinking, what your aspirations were for your career to follow?


Well…’s been over five decades since you walked across that stage.  Our class has produced leaders: a physician, an ophthalmologist, dentists, college professors, deans, and a campus president, engineers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, a large business owner, teachers, military officers….and so many, many more successful careers.


But more importantly – much more importantly – our class produced a group of individuals with sound character…. Individuals with strong moral conviction, individuals with good values and unwavering trust, and most of all – individuals with great, great heart.


High school seems like a distant memory for most, and for most classes as old as ours, little organization remains to bond classmates and old friends together, to rekindle those lost memories, and to actually open new relationships that never were realized in the four years of our attendance.


But not the Arlington Class of 1965.  We have stayed together through the years and demonstrated through the many reunions we have held that we care about each other.  We have also reached out to less fortunate classmates to provide them care and comfort in their time of need – our thanks to so many of you for your support.


And now that we have started annual reunions, it is amazing to see us return annually from Arizona and Washington and North Carolina and Wisconsin and other states just to have one more opportunity to share laughs, old stories and just reminisce of days gone by and opportunities we didn’t advantage back in the 60’s. On this website, check out the photos on this page of our most recent reunion.


Elsewhere in the site, check out photos dating back to our 25th reunion, can you find yourself there?  On the Yearbooks page you willl find the school yearbooks for the four years we were there, you can even look at every page – lots of memories there for you!  Remember the score of the Arlington-Scecina game?  It’s there.  We know where 87% of our classmates are after over five decades.  You’ll also find a more somber listing of classmates who have passed on, and in most cases, we have the obituary copied to the webpage as well.


In addition to this terrific class website, please also take advantage of our class Facebook pages. Using Facebook, please enter our class’s site at Arlington H.S. Class of 1965 (64,64 & 66) and consider joining the group.  We use that site to communicate often with one another.


We hope you enjoy this class site – and the many memories it might engender for you.  Indeed, we hope to see you at the next reunion!


And a postscript – we are all so disappointed that the beautiful Arlington High School that was opened in 1961 (and it remains a beautiful building today and in great physical condition) has been retained within IPS only as a small middle school.  We were the start of a proud history for AHS – but the budgetary realities of urban schools forced this unfortunate change upon the system.  But that change will never diminish our class support for each other and our pride in Arlington High.

“Here’s to the Golden Knights, oh Arlington we hail thee….”