Contact Us

If you'd like to pass on comments about this site, or advise of broken links or other errors please fill in the form below.  Our index of the Class of '65 is complete as far as we can identify them, but our indices of the classes of 63-64 and '66-68 are  limited to those who have corresponded to us.

If you have contact info for members of those surrounding classes whom you believe would like to be informed of future reunions, please submit them on the form below and we'll add them to our email list.

I will try to respond to emails and make updates and additions ASAP, but if you don't receive a reply straightaway, please be patient or contact me again as sometimes, unfortunately, they slip through the system. 

I owe a debt to the previous webmaster, the late Ryan Holly and all those on the committee who have contributed photographs and other information.

Dave Poole